25 Eylül 2007 Salı

Enza presents new bicolor apple: Envy

Tholen - At the occasion of the Asia Fruit Logistica, Enza presented a new variety that will be marketed under the brand Envy. This variety is a bicolor apple that was created by HortResearch through the crossing of Royal Gala and Braeburn. The result is very sweet apple that has high brix, high flavor, having a high juice content and yet holding pressure extraordinary well, giving it a long storing time under normal storage conditions. The taste of an apple that was harvested five months ago and kept under normal conditions for five months was excellent, while the pressure was still very high, creating a lot of crunch.

This apple will be available 12 months a year, with production planned for both hemispheres. Currently there are trial trees growing in New Zealand, UK, France and the USA, and some trialing also being done with organic cultivation in Italy. Envy is not yet available for sale due to the limited number of trees in the ground, but the plan is to have similar volumes to Enza's other specialty club variety, Jazz. Dawn Gray, General Manager of Enza, mentioned that this apple is expected to be in high demand in Asia and North America, where people particularly appreciate the sweetness and crunch that
Envy offers.For more information, contact:Dawn E GrayGeneral ManagerEnza International
Tel: +64 9 573 8700dawn.gray@turnersandgrowers.com
Publication date: 9/18/2007Author: André van der Wiel
Copyright: www.freshplaza.com

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